It was a year rich in exhibitions and events. Publication of a monograph by Éditions Médiane directed by Jean-Marie Tiercelin, co-authored by Gilbert Lascaux, Philippe Bataille and Guy Lauzun.
« At the time, he made black a colour and this colour a sacrifice. Today, from his miraculous fishing and by dint of asceticism, he has brought back other signs, other prints, and other metals. After demonstrating black, he has rediscovered the golds of Siena, the primordial reds and blues. It is a painting against a backdrop of wild power, moving like the alignments of Carnac or the Orants of ten centuries ago.. »
Philippe Bataille; Ombilic des Gaules a monograph, Éd.Médiane.
Exhibitions at the Anne Bourdier gallery in Rouen and at Françoise Palluel and Tadeuz Koralevski, in Paris. He also participates in the "Découverte" exhibition at the Grand Palais.
"I always start from the drawing, it is there that one is in the most radical danger possible. It is there that the hand acquires a memory: it is not only the written word that has one.
Painting is an act, I try to be sincere with what I can't find. It's like the craftsman's pot: the surface is made for what the pot will contain. Painting is the same: I call it the implicit, the implicit that I would not like to see too quickly deflowered. There must remain a part of the unfathomable in painting." ».
D.G., 1991. Extract from an interview with Roger Balavoine.
Au 2e At the 2nd Salon d'Art Contemporain de Rouen, Denis Godefroy is present in "Portrait d'une collection" which gathers paintings by an anonymous collector: Picasso, Poliakoff, Dubuffet, Gleize, Debré, Pincemin, Schneider, Combaz, Priser, Pinchon...
He exhibits Kalejdoskop Zaprasza with the Association Aestetica Nova, Miejska Lodz Gallery (Poland) and participates in "Artists for Freedom", organised by Amnesty International Rouen.